Yup; I'm the bitch that's going to do it for/to ya 😉 (If you allow it) I'm response to a YouTube video I just watched. ( https://youtu.be/sWC8QGps-TI )
I will address the topic of ego at the end*
The simple answer is: there is no such thing as a higher mind. We have access to these powers and more at all times.
The difference between those who can and those who can't is belief that they can or can't.
The inability to manifest those powers stems from feeling powerless ( a core wound of separation for the purpose of experiencing physicality). As long as we feel, perceive, believe ourselves powerless in reference to physical manifestation, we unconsciously deny ourselves permission to manifest "super powers". In becoming accustomed to/familiar with feeling powerless compounded by the commonality of the core wound, fear of releasing powerlessness is introduced because it would create another experience of separation which caused the core wound to begin with. This fear of separation is thus perpetuating the experience of separation and fear of such inherent abilities. They are not actually uncommon powers. We understand power as a separator, thus an instigator/influencer by fear and force because we were not consciously aware when we experienced the initial separation. The initial separation deprived us of the experience of consent that the initiating desire for separation unconsciously gave. In other words, desire is consent and because we were not self conscious, we did not have memory, therefore we did not remember having the desire.
Because of all that fear surrounding these innate abilities we forgot we have in our feeling powerless, we group consciousness consented to giving permission to manifest these abilities in limited circumstances when they came back into our awareness via "spontaneous" manifestation. Spontaneous manifestation often came when fear of not having the abilities overruled the fear of having them. Thus only those who "proved" they had overcome fear were given permission or gave themselves permission to express these innate abilities. Other manifestations became exposed when meeting groups or individuals who did not have such limitations. These would have been called witches, etc. Perceiving fear in response to one's unexpected demonstration these abilities would have inspired the desire to use such abilities to govern by fear(power) in those who felt powerless in other aspects, etc.
So, you already have the abilities. It's your disbelief that any and everyone already has access to them that prevents use of them. You already gave consent to me playing this role when your desire to read it came into being😉
Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/EoA6HqLai-Q
*In reference to the parable about the ego: we know one insecure about their own abilities, or lack thereof, to express "super human powers" would dismiss them as parlor tricks. We also know that one insecure about their, believed to be acceptable, human abilities would magnify those as a form of overcompensation. Imbalanced consciousness states of being are known to engage in "cock-waving", even at the expense of other states of consciousness. Job of the Bible Book of the same name is one example of such "cock-waving". Has anyone come up with the word "beaver bashing" as the female equivalent? I know "beaver blocking" is the feminine form of "cock blocking". Do we have a non-binary form of those?🐿️
If we can imagine finding our limitless selves waking up with a whole bunch of the limitations produced by fear-based states of being, we can understand why the ego (physical form) would be associated with fear and aggression. The ego, sensing this fear and aggression is going to feel the same towards the consciousness the fear and aggression originate from. Both perspectives; which we personify so we can relate and thus understand, project fear and aggression towards "one-another". Thus the struggle with ego is born. The ego is required in order to fulfill the initiating desire. This is unknown by the consciousness in which the desire was initiated. It knew desire and it knew limitation based fear in association with the feeling of desire. Desire then becomes undesirable. Initiating desire thus struggles against the form required for fulfillment and the desire for it it not to be fulfilled. The attempts to kill the ego stem from that conflict. It graduates to "necessary evil" in some belief systems. It exists as all that is in other belief systems such as atheism and in universal Oneness (same phrasing, different meaning😁). In still others, it is merely an unconscious tool. In some it is offspring of god. It is perceived as extension of Source to some. It is referred to as an aspect of God in some belief systems. It's limitations and lack thereof are determined by the perceptions and beliefs of the consciousness aware of the ego. It is thus subjective and will manifest qualities/be and/or become the beliefs it is subjected to. The stronger the self-awareness of the consciousness in and of the ego, the less subject it is to other states of consciousness. It's highest potential is subject to the thus contemplating consciousness.
I'm not just smart, I'm a smartass and sometimes, that just smarts😉 🤣 - Stacey Marie Bourdeau
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