Thursday, June 22, 2023

Embodying Authority, Not Bothering With Corrections, Why We Create Religions, Why Most Humans are Mortal/Die and Atlantis

      I'm expanding at such a rapid pace that I am on to the next thing the moment I recognize something as a belief and thus bullshit. In doing so, I teach understanding of why we do that. 

       Yes, we bullshit ourselves with incorrect or incomplete beliefs because we aren't yet where we want to believe we are. We want it to be true, we know it's not true, so we create a religion around it. We desire it so greatly that we are keenly aware of our lack of it in the state of being that created the desire to begin with. The ultimate "fake it 'til you make it"🤣 O.K.; I make time to laugh about it/myself in reference to it. 

    Yup, we can now praise the existence of religious cults. They're so determined to get their desire for truth-self perception that they're faking it until they make it.....which causes the self aware aspect to know they're faking it, reinforcing the feeling of being fake and bringing self condemnation which leads to persecution..... that is a mouth/concept-full🤣 Tongue twisting IS funny. In pops; "Bullshit and horseshit are the same.....if we're calling ourselves on it"😉

      O.K.,  🐿️ ing done. Back to topic of the day: embodying Authority. I'm feeling it! It changes "We shouldn't need to be punished for making dignified choices!" to "We don't need to suffer indignity in order to embody dignity." We are dignified beings. This is known, understood and accepted when we fully embody our authority as sovereign beings. 

      This came to me after a morning of dancing that became a dancing in joyous oneness with everything and everyone that popped into my head, releasing a feeling of separation from them I wasn't even consciously aware I felt. I became aware of bringing Atlantis into oneness with the ocean within me as I became one with the fauna of the seas. This is significant for me because I became aware of a lot of trauma that occurred in Atlantis that was carried in the consciousness of this body's soul. 

     My body's joints cracked, muscles stretched and strengthened....and I realized; I no longer have to fall asleep for me to reset my physical reality. Physical changes CAN be immediate in me. That means they can also change immediately in the manifestation of people and environment I perceive. I HAVE been "smelling"/sensing the whisper of it being so with all my senses sporadically. It's a matter of.......belief. More specifically; a matter of how much of me believes. For example; my body didn't believe it could keep up with my "enlightenment" because the bodies around it don't believe it. This morning, that changed while dancing as I repeated to myself/my body; "You were born for this!" and I felt the truth of that....and got horny and someone else popped into my head and I chose to rectify that relationship upon fulfillment of the standard I set (in my newly embodied authority) of public apology for the abuses done me that became public knowledge and thus contested. Dignity. They took advantage of my state of being in which I believed I had to choose to tolerate indignity because I was dedicated as a child to the god of the bible, the god of Abraham, Issac and Jacob......I have come full circle. 

     Just because we can, doesn't mean we will. True authority does not have the word "should" in it's vocabulary. I suspect there are plenty of other commonly used words that can apply to that as well. 

     This reminds me of The Most Inspiring Betty's podcast I listened to yesterday and the discussion therein about the use of words ( ). That reminded me of what I read in the book "Braiding Sweatgrass" by Robin Kimmerer and where it took me. The author mentions how in her Native American language, nothing has names that are nouns. Names are action words in her Native American tongue. For example; it's not a tree, it's "being a tree". That prompted me to wonder what, exactly, was being a tree, which led to "everything is made of Source energy', thus it's Source being a tree which reinforces the belief that God is all and God is in all. I would say The Dance (Source) is in all and all is god unto it's self. I began to address people in my community out loud; "Hello Source being (name)" and when I looked at anything such as a tree, I greeted it out loud as "Source Being Tree". I could feel a huge change my own energy and I liked it!

     This reminds me that yesterday, it occurred to me that something within me is "The Eternal Limitlessness"and that would be "The Dance". In saying and feeling, thus experiencing oneness with"The Eternal Limitlessness", I become eternally limitless myself. 

    As I rested deeply after all that dancing in oneness, releasing and embodiment, why humans are even mortal to begin with came to me. 💡Duh! Of course it did🤣 I became eternally limitless yesterday! Human mortality is a result of the separation from Source and the rest of physical manifestation to become "one" separate from other "one" in order to view self. This separation created fear and all sorts of core wounds. We didn't like that feeling and so resisted the idea of eternal separation and thus an inability to realize the inherent eternal potential for immortality. Some just have no interest in being human for very long, some not at all, some "chicken out", some fail to see the point after a bit of experiencing their reason for it, quickly become disenchanted. Some just like the commonality with their ancestors, friends and family. I'm sure the circumstances and reasons are as limitless as Source. They'd have to be 😉

     We are chosen because we choose it for ourselves....of our own free will. And that's not just a belief.

     Oh, I did not take the time to proofread or edit through this rapid harvest, either. I usually don't like to go back to where I came from; there's a reason I left it! 🤣 That's why I believe I need a scribe to follow me around. 

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