Monday, June 19, 2023

What's up in the universe?

       Upon my first awakening to oneness experience, I became a clear conscious channel for each monthly expansion of consciousness (every 29 1/2 days that green energy goes down and brings more christ consciousness back up to the third eye). I would wake each morning and first thing record in my Yahoo blog the understandings coming through. The one who was to be my twin flame in this life would be messaging me; "I know you're awake; I can feel you". I would not answer him until I had written everything down that the energy was bringing in within me. He said he read my blog each morning like others read the newspaper to see what is going on in the world. I used to lament that all the other monthly channels were corrupted by their belief systems, whereas mine were not and not only that; they were making a butt load of money and I did not!

      At the same time, I was wondering what good it did for us on Earth to know what angel is whom and plays such and such a role. I wondered what would ease our walk on Earth, stop the suffering, etc. Give me something practical, damn it! I also wanted messages for myself instead of just being able to channel messages for everyone else whose lives improved thanks to the messages I channelled for them; "what about me?".

    I was led to get the book "Women Who Run With Wolves" and went into the "dark forest" of my soul to find the answers within (where we're always guided to look for anyways). The book was helpful in guiding me in how to do that. 

   I received the message that was shown to me this: I was summoned by one to go to "Jesus". I asked why I didn't receive the message directly. She pulled my right hand toward herself, turned it palm up to show me the wound there. The wound, it's pain was the message being sent. The pain was the summoning. (The pain is the calling, our calling, our purpose; in seeking release from the pain, we show the way for others out of their own....we bring forth the answers we were seeking, our seeking is the service we are called to...first to our own and then to others)

     I received the awareness that I was a guide to the spirit guides. The ones guiding humanity were looking to me for guidance/answers. 

     I had an experience of the clan leader of "The Pure Ones" revealing to me how and why my purpose was to be the object of obsession for the god of Abraham, Issac and Jacob to wake him up to the fact that the Earth has it's own consciousness; it's just too subtle for him to sense/see/be aware of. My making third choices where "he" could only see two and believe he had me cornered would also introduce him to/make him aware of the divine feminine that is his mother and I know as "The Dance". (Now I understand it to mean that I was to demonstrate the existence and wisdom existing in intuition/the divine feminine aspects to a divine masculine aspect).

    I went and got lost in the literal, physical, Earthly forests as well. I got out of the spiritual guru business. I experienced the darkest of dark nights of the soul; suicidal thoughts and eventually an attempt. I was broken out of it with fresh perceptions of myself and people around me. I experienced a first twitch of sensation, a first breath.....rebirthing. The latest was the release of the father God figure reaching soul recognition within me and my recording my interactions with a man and how I was handling it. 

    If I was still in the state of being as when I was in my channeling 'what's up on Earth' phase; I would have written that the Earth could rejoice because it was now free of that abusive god of Abraham, Issac and Jacob (and Jesus and Mohamed and....). I would have still been whining; "What about for me?". 

    Now I know that all that "seer" stuff is what is going on in me as I become one with the moments in which they are occurring within that one moment of realization of the desire to know what "I" look like. Not everyone is an extension of that desire. Some came in as desires triggered/initiated by that desire or another. It is only amongst those who have been birthed by the "Wonder what I look like" desire, directly or indirectly, (such as my twin flame) who will experience seeing the things I "prophesy" as coming true. Others could be on completely different timelines, bumping into our own due to brief common vibration, soul contracts, desires to serve, desires to understand, desires to experience, etc. Otherwise we all exist in our own, solitary bubble; whole and complete as is. 

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