Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Gateways, portals, solstice, etc.WTF!?!

      I sat here pondering once again how soon I will be able to experience that increase in ease and grace of abundance. The normal pattern of this experiential life timeline has been the god of Abraham, Issac and Jacob one. It goes like this: spring is renewal and rebirth, summer for growing/grounding the new state of being by practicing it, fall is for harvesting the full embodiment of it as well as any seeds for further expansion, and winter for the nurturing of those seeds. The Solstices, moons, eclipses, number/date gates, portals, etc were for greater leaps than slow, gradual expansion plans. (Heehee; sounds like I'm a salesperson 🀣). It's all that was on offer where I appeared to begin this life/incarnation experience, which I now know is an ever changing maze I created to keep my limitless, eternal mind occupied. 

     Back to the topic at hand; do I have to wait for fall, thus enduring another summer of over 120 degrees F in the fucking shade by making multiple trips to the hospital for emergency hydration where they hate people who live where I live (Slab City), getting flack from myself and others about who is going to care for my dogs, watch my camp, etc OR am I expanding greatly and quickly enough to draw the transition before we hit temps unfit for human survival? Recently, I had been led back to the Shaumbra spiritual family of the Crimson Circle ( https://youtube.com/@TheCrimsonCircle ) where they were gearing up for an event they were calling "Heaven's Cross" which was not associated with any astrological event but rather a result of expanding spiritual mass consciousness. Thus, the concept of expansion being dependent upon dates, seasons, astrological events, etc came into possible potential that I didn't fully realize the relevance of to my individual personal development until today. (I had dysfunctional family vibes with that group, so they never stick with me nor I them in the long run, though they did and do occasionally serve me extraordinarily well even considering the lack of overall resonance)

     The answer came with prompting from The Most Inspiring Person; Betty Guadagno in her video: https://www.youtube.com/live/s0L3RLpiBwY?feature=share 

     There, she just asked for the physical change (that I would call an experience of the tweaking of our full body VR suit because that's how I had experienced a similar reprogramming of my physical experience) that she wanted. 

     Ask and you shall receive, we've been promised. Response is immediate, we've been told. πŸ’‘: it's our belief system that determines how quickly or whether we realize/experience the answering at all and my belief system can change upon request! 

     So, I asked for a change in something and immediately, I felt the tweaking of my VR mechanism. It feels and sounds like creaks, cracks, pops,etc that accompany "inspired" movement (like the urge to crack a joint). These probably wouldn't even be necessary, however it's "god's answering voice", that we appreciate hearing. Always nice to have the reassurance that "someone is listening and cares" (even if it is personified aspects we blindfold/separate ourselves from so we can have this experience).

     As a side note; I used to get profoundly depressed upon each realization, or even suggestion, that it's all only an illusion and there is only one in existence. Presently, the gig is perpetually up, however I am able to ignore it due to the excitement of the engagement in the game. ( https://youtu.be/8z-T738ol0Y )

     Back on track: I have begun to see a speeding up of the manifestation of the desired increase of ease and grace in experiencing abundance. No, I do not have to wait until fall to get the hell out of Dodge (The Slabs), however being here IS serving me. It's the first time in immediate memory had felt like I had made friends and became a part of a community. It's the first time in immediate memory I imagined possibly taking a leading role in a community. It's where "I found the most forgiveness in the most unforgiving environment": self forgiveness, acceptance as well as the greatest amount of freedom of personal self expression of ALL aspects. I do have a "perfectionist" nature, which only means I enjoy being thorough because it's the very most exploring I can do in a specific set of circumstances/state of being😁 Absolutely nothing wrong with perfectionism even if we're exploring an imbalanced experience of it as a limitation πŸ˜‰πŸ’

    My personal quote of the day for myself inspired by this level of self acceptance is; "I'm just a god playing a game". I repeat it to myself when I accidentally knock something over, forget I didn't forget to turn something off, etc🀣

     And this is where the squirrel 🐿️ comes in for me synching up with Buddha Betty's squirrel (The Most Inspiring Person's squirrel 🐿️πŸ˜„). During our morning walk, Anubis and I had come across a little dog that really just wanted to play with Anubis and she returned the sentiment. So, we played. When The Most Inspiring Person mentioned the role the squirrel played in her experience, I felt "synchronicity" and looked up the spiritual significance of the squirrel. Predominantly, it's appearance means "have more fun!". Play! My dogs have been helping me draw playfulness up out of myself alot, especially Bink. (See end for Bink story, I got a RFLMAO experience with that realization about her presence in my experience). At the moment, all this squirrel synching is asserting to me: this IS all just a game, so have some fucking fun with it! I came to be enchanted and by God I WILL! πŸ˜„ So, yeah, I picked on the guy with low self esteem and explosive aggression by not returning his "good morning" even when he aggressively repeated it then went on about how "fine, she doesn't say hi to nobody...."🀣 I may play with my"food" now and then (reow 🐈😺) I gave myself permission to be mischievous without negative repercussions 😁

     Back on topic (squirrel 🐿️ happened again; "but I digress" in deep, masculine gratuitous voice): I put down the Jehovah's Witness toy/experience of community (when I was 'supposed to' be fulfilling a soul contract 🐿️) to seek out an expanded version of spiritual community because I enjoyed it so thoroughly . That led me to expanded spirituality, which, in order to include the whole world, had to expose the game. It also meant including the difficult to put down toys like addiction, the ultimate in low self esteem and self respect....homeless, living in trash in an inhospitable to human habitation environment. Tag! You're it! 🐿️ An environment I will leave when I am darn good and ready. We're experiencing "unseasonably" "cool" (🀣 'only 105F) this year so far.....I wonder whyπŸ˜™ Could it have something to do with me being here in this state of being? (Yes, I am being facetious).

*Bink's role in my experience story:

     I woke horny AF one morning from a dream sequence where it was extended to me that a puppy had been left for me while I get appeared to be lifting a reddish-brown Mastiff-looking puppy out of a pen in which Anubis (my present dog) was. I sensed the extension to me that her name is Bink. It was extended to me that someone wanted to speak to me as a phone was extended to me. A sweet, feminine voice spoke in a sweet, "southern (U.S.A.) peach" accent, saying; "You are so beautiful". 

    I went unexpectedly that day where there was a puppy that looked just like the one in the dream sequence, I had great sex, and another woman told me she had always thought I was beautiful. 

   When Bink was old enough, I brought her home. She is the goofiest puppy I have ever known in my immediate memory. She's extremely large, lanky, puppy clumsy and always with the tongue lolling out. The tip of her tongue even continues to protrude, all dried out, while she sleeps. She's timid and runs and hide when another human or dog approaches, at sudden noises and movements, etc; even if it's behind Anubis, who is 1/4 Bink's size. 

   So, I was sitting on the toilet the other day when I did the usual response to her having to be in that tight space with me; recite her nicknames. For some reason (apparent now), I said; "Ja Ja Binks" and πŸ””. Jar Jar Binks! The Star Wars character that just cracked me up! The ancestors/higher self (how I perceived those aspects of self I have myself presently blindered from) had given me my very own Jar Jar Binks 🀣 "How rich!"; I rolled around laughing repeatedly as hit me throughout the rest of the day 🀣 Me laughing that hard made me laugh even further 🀣 I do delight in myself these days πŸ€—

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