It put me in a higher vibe than I was originally going to go into this morning's meeting with. That weekly high energy intro being hit with corrections and passive aggressive shut down. I did not get that sinking feeling I would have as I saw what I had walked into instead. There he sat with arms folded, brows furrowed down in that concentrated expression that means ultimatum. I was too high vibe for it to hit home. I know what I know and that knowing could not be shaken, even in the face of not being recognized as 'solid'. I had ample evidence. It is not my problem if another could not appreciate it or value it or recognize it. Why should they? I am bringing into this world something never before known at the levels and with the dimensions I am bringing it in.
I witnessed an opening and backed off. Free will must always be respected as much as is appropriate. We don't take advantage of cracked open doors to pry them open and force our way in. We step back in respect and and graceful invitation, giving time and space for it to be received and returned. "Tell me more"/"come in". And still we tread consciously and considerately. The ultimatum became a "show me something, anything". I was going to be doing it anyway. I may honor the request of such a privilege if it so given.
I knew I needed a laptop, at least, to do what I needed to do. The last thing I expected was to have it gifted to me in this way. And yet, here it is; mine as of today. SD card is on my list now. Learned that lesson with the crash of my last one and this one is used already. To be able to create a profile and have my information remembered so I don't have to keep re-remembering new passwords required every time the programs decide it was an unfamiliar login location and/or device!
Back to the meeting. Of course, the one speaking to me, making what I'm sure they wouldn't perceive as an ultimatum, could not understand that my evidence not being enough for him was devaluing all my progress and all my "God-given" evidence. Adding value is a theme big in my personal universe right now, synchronized with it being the theme for this year in the universe where my universe is physically planted at the moment, and now synchronized with Tony Robbins' universe. Synchronistically, I got in on his free once a year event, V.I.P. tickets! *Laughing as I realize; wasn't that my latest 'thang', the V.I.P. seating and place card I had made for my neighbor and my family?*
Anyway; I was speaking about the changes in me. I spoke of how I used to feel dirty accepting money but now have chosen to view it as representative of my own inner abundance and the abundance of God's love for me. My inner being shifted it all into alignment within me, into greater clarity. The mirror was bright and clean and radiant and glowing. The Puppet Master has gotten what he wished and was therefore now capable of bestowing this gift of abundance upon me. The whole of the world, for the most part gives Him power over it all, gives Him credit and therefore ownership of it and now He gives it to me. The crown of which the bible speaks. My inner Tree Of Life returned to me.
"Just tell us what you need".
And I feel the spirit of that one testing me inquiringly. Lemonade making time in the thought realms!An analogy occurs to me about what occurred this morning. There is a 300 +/- year old historical story from Native Americans. It goes like this:
One day, the tribal members saw strange waves on the ocean coming towards their land. Anxious at not being able to discern the cause of these strange waves, they ran to the tribe's Shaman. The Shaman went down to the beach to see what the rest of the tribe had seen and were so anxious about. After the Shaman looked out toward the waves, he bent over and began to draw in the sand with a stick while the tribe looked on. He had drawn a ship. The tribe looked up toward the waves and finally saw the boat that was the source of the waves.
Similarly; My ship has come in and I am walking up the boarding ramp. The people in the meeting Don't see the ship. They suspiciously accept that they may see the waves but they want to know; "How did you make these waves? Why are these connections being made? Why would someone have donated that money?" Why did exactly the sentence I needed to read to trigger my healing come in a book that didn't otherwise apply to me from I don't know who or where in the United States Postal Service? Hell if I know! or care. I believe in miracles. I've seen too many not to.
And then it occurs to me; the kingdom of God within. The kingdom of God; the kingdom from which God came. The mirror holds the reflection/image of the non-physical reality. That is how we are all "in the hands of God". That is how it is that God influences our physical experience. It's His job; to turn the non-physical to physical. It's His job to deliver that book, that video, that person, that saying, that money. He is unlimited in how He can do this. It is we who limit His ability to deliver to us when we give conditions to, restrict, limit how that can happen. If we require details, He'll create a few. The fewer we need to fulfill our demand for conditions by our belief in the need for them; the quicker, more pure, miraculously it can happen for us. That is why I allow time to be fluid, details to escape me, etc. They think me an "airhead". It just ISN'T important to me. My job is only to ask and allow- and I've reached point critical where I can longer afford to place demands of met conditions, beliefs, requirements, limitations. Our lives depend on me letting go and allowing it to happen no matter what it takes, how it happens. I'm done asking those questions. Living the miraculous, magical experience is a while lot easier anyways. Ease. Grace. And looky, looky: the details of why and how this is all so are given me anyways.
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