Saturday, February 8, 2020

You haven't been allowed to express your masculine aspect?! Seriously?!

Spiritual practitioner wanna be suddenly wants to be nonbinary gender expressed like her intimate partner (latest boyfriend)   because her masculine has never been allowed expression. I blew my top:

For thousands of years women have been valued for physical strength and endurance. They gathered the water and they gathered the wood for fires while carrying children on their back. Even in the Bible Proverbs described a good wife as doing all the labor while her husband sat at the city gate bragging about her and all she squired (which made it his and him great). The "lady" of a manor in the middle ages even sewed the clothes for her servents and their families. "Manual labor" has never been something women have been deprived of.
To insist that the world has deprived us of "masculine" expression is to claim to be binary and deprived of our second part which we call "femine". And then to spout desparaging names and qualities of "everyone else" who has no conflict about what grew between their legs is to be prejudiced and spreading hatred. Dost thou wish we all be as discontent with ourselves as you allowed someone else to convince you to be with your self? Would that make for a happy world?
A name is as much a defining label as he, she or they yet I have witnessed a "gender fluid" parent refuse to honor their child's choice of name because; they told the child, I'm used to the name I gave you so that's what I will call you. "You want to travel with me in life, you live by my rules!" is that "gender fluid" parent's response to any variation from their parent's choice of belief practice that child attempts to variate from.
"My house, my rules" is a household not run any different than any other fundamentalist, prejudiced cult dominated by an abusive, controlling, hyper-insecure parent.
Want to stop being labelled? Stop casting stones for crimes you've NEVER been victim of. Get your own sense of self, self identity and let others own their own issues. Like white men seeking native religion and culture because they think they don't have their own, we have people who have never had gender persecution experiences thinking it's fancy and popular so let's make believe.

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