Sunday, February 23, 2020

Our name is our platform

    Over the years, I have explored various platforms to get myself out there. There was the old business model  career coach coached me in that called for a lot of daily content to give for free, Twitter, Facebook and social media account activities and going through the want ads. She lost me at answering want ads for writers to do college papers. They get a degree on my work to go on and make $200,000 per year to start? No. Corrupt on two counts.
     Next came Patreon and it was just no. It just smells wrong.
     Now, I understand that our messages are too clear to be watered down by platforms created by others. It is so potent that once tasted, will be "all the rage" and in high demand in a world dying of thirst. Our name is the only platform we'll be needing. Our content has already been created; enough to feed generations. Sure, we'll continue to create 'content' because ever expanding is our nature. It will come slower and easier, more fluid and one dose is enough to nourish and sustain and inspire for an entire season.
   Our platform is our name.

One of the hurdles within me was "Oh, but I'm in the bible belt and if it's not Christian orientated, it's gonna be hard to accomplish anything with my beliefs as a background". First, my clientele could come from anywhere in the world and second, Esther Hicks has millions of supporters channeling an entity which people quickly get past the idea of because it's so dang effective. Roadblock blasted.

    Another roadblock in life within me is the habit of self doubt when it comes to allowing people to connect with me, for example on Facebook. I get the "yeah, I don't like this or that, but what if...". Well, if was what, then my inner self would be shouting 'yes!'. So, no more hmmms and hawing, uncertainty or self doubt. If it's not a 'YES!' or a clear,' yes that will do', then it's a no.

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