Saturday, February 8, 2020

It MAY make for a great story, but not a life story!

Connecting the dots of my life experience.....
I stopped with romance entertainment. Start with person who disgusts, violates, or pisses you off and end up loving them happily ever after. Obviously not a real life script working for me.
Stopped the horror movies. Bigger and bigger demons as a life script wasn't working for me.
What of my fantasy genre fetish? Form a temporary fellowship with otherwise undesirable personalities to travel amidst enemies.... doesn't make for life long friends co-creating harmony.
Action/adventure/thriller. Cliff hangers and instead of flying, we become the ones clinging and begging for mommy(nanny state lawyers) who HAVE to die because when watching the preview at a cinema we agree the one screaming like a baby had it coming. We don't like life on the edge of a cliff: one pay check away from losing it all, one wrong word away from a fight, etc.
And those sci-fi everything gone wrong and/or everyone turns against us.....
Murder mystery: who keeps killing our dreams?
We write our life script with our excited responses to entertainment.
How's that zombie apocalypse of dumbed down aggressive co-workers working out for ya? Why upset cops come for us, oh daydreamers of heroic film cop killers? Natural/eco disasters- the public loves them! Unless they happen in their own back yard. We pay billions for these experiences but sure don't like the free version especially written and produced just for us! LOL
And those energies are addictive! We develope a taste for them. We can change our entertainment standards and every once in a while experience an irrisitable craving for one.
We either "man up" and become those who succeed against the swarms, we end up with our heads lopped off because we're frozen in terror, or we begin writing and directing a different genre story line for our life.
I know I'm looking for a change of plot.

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