Saturday, February 8, 2020

Social baiting

t's another one of those gamble, baiting posts. "I bet I know who will/ has the courage to do/ share". Another no win rabbit hole. There's a big wall (you won't=I won't allow you) and self-fulfilling prophesy. Most with any self esteem; "O.K., I won't". Those without a healthy dose get offended and take up the challenge, those unaware of the rabbit hole lying beneath the trap try to prove it wrong.
It mostly happens in the subconscious. Feeling insecure and unworthy yet too afraid to express it or ask for their needs to be fulfilled, the bait is set. The intuitive senses the request for, example, a hug. "Do you want a hug?" "No".
If they accept the love, agreement,hug... eventually the feeling that they don't deserve it/aren't lovable kicks in which can only make the loving, faithful person one of two things. A) too stupid to see the "truth" and thus not good enough or B) a liar, in it only for the money, etc.
It's another no win until/unless they open up to allowing their own self worth in.
I used to fall into the "I can prove I love you" Pollyanna group. Can't force/prove it to anyone. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with our seeing how someone is indeed lovable. It's the attempt to prove it that serves no one. For even expressions of respect are interpreted as making fun of them. They think you're trying to make them look stupid.
It's just another rabbit hole you can't save anyone from, not even by jumping down into it with them.
Saving myself from that trap.

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