Last night I felt the bubble of infection in my heart burst open and release it's toxins. There's alot of sadness and crying. I had trouble getting my Walmart cash card to sync with my Paypal account due to address changes, etc. I had felt the old resentment toward financial and legal institutions as the blocking of me out of my Paypal account occurred. As energy flows from our core, our central sun, our source upwards, it passes through the heart and affects how it enters our brain. If the heart has been hurt, the brain sees an enemy in that which hurt the heart and the thoughts it entertains and generates are in alignment with what the heart is feeling. Our cognitive abilities are affected.
Our heart latches onto something desired and we're told that there's not enough money. We're told there are restrictions, terms and conditions to be met in order to access it. That is in complete contrast with what our source knows. Knowing is powerful. It is stronger than believing. Especially when we are young, knowing is knowing and anything not in alignment with the knowing is a brutal attack to the heart that is in agreement with the core knowing. Oh, the dear, sweet children! Even the injection of doubt hurts the heart. "What if it doesn't work?", a sincerely asked question born of the speaker's fear, insecurity, doubt hurts the knowing heart. The speaker has just injected their own fear and doubt into that heart. For many of us, the brutality of more, stronger contrasting responses create bitter hatred and resentment toward the one expressing the denial of the ease and grace with which we are meant to receive what is in our heart. On top of that, what the heart latches onto is often an assault it's self as the wanting of it is attributed to negative intents such as being greedy, unhealthy, etc.
So, if we are wanting to live a 'heart centered reality', we want to allow our heart to cleanse it's self of all it's wounds and retrain our brain's cognitive pathways, called neuropathways. We may need to engage in exercises to get it's normally and naturally self-healing gears going in the restored direction we've chosen to re-embody.
As I stood outside, as is my routine each morning upon waking, I listened to the birds and looked at the trees. In front of our building is a stand of evergreens chopped off in the middle to create room for the electrical wires. I was prompted to remember what Anastasia of "The Ringing Ceders of Russia" book series said about the trees and bushes and flowers; that they are each letters in an alphabet, the arrangement of them growing naturally as sentences and paragraphs and books. Our subconscious, no doubt, is able to read it and so it is that we heal in nature. "The word of God is alive" comes to mind. The living language of God growing up all around us, enveloping us in it's message. Walking through a book, so to speak. We are a natural aspect of the environment and so we, too, are letters, sentences, chapters in our eyes, our hair, our nails, our skin. We are books of life walking about in the book of life, the words of God constantly re-arranging themselves to communicate in each and every moment; focused in the now moment, a part of the now moment, creating the now moment.
A pair of Canadian or Snow geese flew overhead. I love to see what they are reflecting back at me, so I look up the spiritual significance of the presence of animals in my experience. Native Americans call them totems when they are strongly with us for a long time. I just Google search "spirit medicine" and the animal. "The path I am on is my own. I am connected to the Universe." ha! Synchronicity! I had just been thinking how everything in nature has niche. A bird may be a bird, yet each bird has it's own niche in the domain of birdiness. Yeah, I just made that word up. A new reality, a new experience of this reality, a new life, a new world, new words makes sense. I digressed. If every living being has a niche, it only stands to reason that we, as well, would have our own unique niche. We may be a public speaker, but we certainly have our own specialized niche amongst public speakers, with our own unique ring. Our own unique call, tweet, honk, if you will; in birdiness terms. Hee, hee.
The implications continue to pour in: the way we interact with natural things, the way we touch and treat the Earth, the way we touch and speak to one another, these are all conversations with God. The state of our body is evidence of the state of our relationship with God. Our illnesses are telling us how that conversation is going. Our bursts of energy and feeling good signify a delightful interaction. Our "self talk" is our self declarations before God, our prayers, and so He answers them. If we say we are weak, He validates His hearing and answer by sending an assailant. If we say to ourselves; "I cannot", God responds with blockages. I am strong! I am loving! I am glorious! I am wonderful and wondrous! I am delightful! I am magnificent! I am brilliant! I AM The Bright and Morning Star shining the light of God into the world with pristine clarity! I AM the dawn of a new day!
To sin is "to miss the point of being human". I'm afraid we've indeed missed the point completely. That is why he told Moses; "That is not the name by which I had been known (addressed)". Aha! moment, yes? We are to address God with "I AM"! When we address Him, we do so with self-declarations!
"If you are to know God, look at nature"; the bible states. I imagine those who garden with a level of expertise are highly and finely tuned in to this language, the language of God, so to speak. Gardners, "People of the Earth". That is the original definition of "Pagan". Originally, it was the term used to refer to the Jews by the 'civilized' communities around them. Jesus would have been called a "Filthy Pagan" long before Christians adopted the phrase to refer to those who don't practice their now "civilized" faith rituals. Like resentful children, they played the name calling game; "I know you are, but what am I?". To embrace the term Pagan and practices associated with it is to embrace, once again, the language of God; our relationship with it and thus Him.
And so I begin my day with a healing heart and the assurance that I am not doing what I am doing in pursuing this entrepreneurial concept because I am taking on the pressure that was delivered to me on Wednesday morning during "the meeting" and that what I am choosing is in alignment with Universal flow, Divine Ordinance, my purpose, my niche or natural place in the world.
It further occurs to me that this is fulfillment of the promise of what I was given to see the other morning; My light shooting up to meet a white light that burst through the dark layers of heaven (hell, Hades, lower vibrational consciousness), pushing them away to shine before me. My heart resists the coming accusations such as: "how dare you presume to declare such a thing?!" and softens as it reasons back while I see out of my peripheries the strong breeze blowing through those evergreens; "It's as natural as the wind in the trees". Soft, sweet serenity with my own beliefs born of inner knowing. Indeed, my place in the world.
You will have to convince yourself of yours.
So now my boots must hit the ground to do the practical applications of this system of things. This momma bear wears combat boots ;) Yet, I am not 'strong'; I am fit for what needs doing. I 'smell' the opposition/contrasting thoughts drawn in to do their job. This prompts my mantra for the day which dispels them as I do not let their thought forms hit, attach themselves, find root, are fully grasped by my brain; "As natural as the breeze blowing amidst the trees".
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