Saturday, February 8, 2020

When they bite the hand that feeds them

I've noticed a pattern in some. When they feel their needs are not being met, they are prone to whining-the victim- accusing of neglect, abandonment, not fulfilling promises, etc.
Then they get what they want. This sense of empowerment us used as a platform to attack those they accused of ignoring their need, of not being there for them, they accuse of viciousness with vicious words. They become the abuser.
And so the pendulum swings from extreme to extreme within them and is reflected back at them: when those they look to have means, they are "mean". The physical experience swings just like their inner pendulum; from feast to famine, just as unstable as the inner state of being, things given to sustain life are excuses to use their "aware" "awakened" consciousness as a weapon, destroying their own inner life in their abusive victim mentality. Narccasists are highly sensitive empaths and empaths are highly sensitive narccasists. Dualistic extremes are the same energy out of balance, outside of wholeness, the same energy out of balance from a different direction . The narccasists will always perceive themselves victim. Dependency is always resented by the dependent as well as the one being depended upon, for the helper cannot be a helper without someone being in need of help and to be in need of help is to be unable to perceive one's self as being capable, unqualified to help even one's self.
Of course, these are not the sole reason for everything. They are not the dead math/equations of an infertile existence. Sometimes "famine" is us having full bellies yet not recognizing our needs have indeed already been met and it's simply an opportune time to rest we have yet to recognize.
Just noticing the patterns of those who boast:"If you weren't there in my time of need (insert threat)".
This is most likely a verbalization of their inner environment; inside they are saying "never again!" to aspects of themselves with "New Year" resolutions accompanied by threats to aspects which then go on to undermine them with the good intention of bringing them into a state of "humility" and "appreciation", starting the cycle all over again.
Self acceptance, acceptance of circumstances, appreciation for the doors 
that DO open.....recipe for breaking the cycle

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