First thing I picked up on: there are 7, 12, 188 universal laws, depending on who you ask. No, the universe is not "mental", they're mental. The universe is conscious as is everything within it. That does not make it a mind. A mind is merely a tool for consciousness. The "Laws" are simply highly focused observation under the microscope (you can read narrow-minded into that if you feel so inclined). They're universal because they are The Dance which is a law unto herself. She is a river that flows and ever grows. She's always quickening which they call vibrating and make a law of. Sure, we can observe that this usually occurs in pools, etc, but try to control and recreate it? Make an unyielding law of it?Good luck with that! Do so to your own detriment. So on it goes. It's the spirit/masculine/left brain analysis and boxing up of that which can only be felt to truly know. Observation with accompanying opinion is not knowing someone or something. You might hit the head on the nail as an educated guess. That still does not imply knowing 'like Grandmother Lava'. Notice male is only part of the word female.
Male is only one part of the word female.
We drop the fe when the uterus potential shrinks,
and it drops out with the ovaries and vagina.
That doesn't mean I believe women are better or stronger or more divine. It merely means the body is a reflection of one's proportions of various aspects and their potentials.
A whole bunch is weaving it's self together in me: why my son and men in general are so sensitive and often feel overwhelmed by feelings and emotions, my renaming a "Camp Freedom" as "Camp Loyal", a conversation in my head about what led up to that, (my time in Slab City is the gift that just keeps on giving) not settling, being picky, never having it done/being happy with 'anything', and other things I've covered briefly in blog posts recently.
It all boils down to: if a man wants to be this Goddesses' one-and-only, he better be a King with a crew. Every big construction project needs engineers who "read" their client's desires, builders, electricians, plumbers, roofers, those who can keep up with zoning and safety regulations, politicians, etc. Yes, I come with my "ladies-in-waiting". We'll make sure ya'll are well loved, fed and waited on.If ya can't; no, you won't be my one and only. Who is doing the rest is not your business. You be my engineer and recruit yourself the rest. That's why women's emotions overwhelm men; men are made to empath the feelings and desires and imagined forms of a woman, then give them form. If he's struggling with his own, he certainly can't be there with hers. My King is going to be fully realized to a great degree. Her inner masculine is giving the form in her imagination. She's gonna do the detailing. She's not saying what you did isn't good enough when she does this. They say 'the devil is in the details' and isn't every good woman called one? I'm one of the worst, yet I've learned to be gentle about it.
If the goddess in your life wants nothing more than the little house with a white picket fence and 2.2 children, she only needs a prince. I'm creating moon lodges, circles, families, communities. Continents are responding. I can only be served by a King. It occurs to me that's exactly why I was drawn to Baret; he wanted someone to help build a family friendly community. He had a crew to a degree. He had influence among people with means. Way too much static in his head to get it; I WAS what he was seeking. That's why he popped into the picture momentarily recently. That doesn't mean he's "the one", it just means we both have a greater destiny consisting aspects of the 'him and me', the Baret-Autumn amalgamation. Not to mention; I would need lush green oasis instead of straight up desert. I'm a forest and streams baby.
No, we'll never be enough, have enough; the universal laws. As long as we know that the feeling of needing to be more is not to project on our partner, a relationship doesn't have to end. Rather it is the inner call for our own expansion. We don't have to completely give up a project for we know it needs time to incubate. We'll return to it when it's expansion is ready for manifestation. As Abraham-Hicks likes to say; "we never get it done". We are not "fickle", we're speedily flitting from creation to creation, pollinating, seeding, planting, weeding, pruning, and shaping until it becomes part of a greater weaving.
That's what I've got so far. It's never finished. It's always developing.
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