Sunday, February 23, 2020

Instead of dreams, the world around me played mirror this morning

     As I lay to fall asleep last night, my dog joined me as usual. As I wrapped my arm around her, I emanated that warm love toward her and felt it as it slipped like an etheric blanket into my own soul. I can do warm love, too.
     Woke from mundane feeling dream sequence, nothing sticking out really. When I went out for my first smoke this morning, three red finch were perched across from me just looking at me. Not long after a satiny charcoal-grey bird perched on the telephone wire to my building to the right of me. Spirit medicine look up time. As I went to create a post about it on Facebook, a memory was there waiting for me to share from February 23, 2017:
    I step out the door to find myself amongst a herd of deer. I am startled for a moment that they are all here and do not flee. They are not startled by the strikes of my lighter. They do not shy from the smell of my cigarette burning. They do not flinch at the steps I take to get "off property". Then, mere moments before a neighbor of less pleasant disposition comes out their door, they all run away......
We see the meme come by on everybody is suffering something and we never know what is going on behind the smiles..the suffering we all supposedly have in common......
What if?........What if.......that stranger who appears to never be doing anything but standing near the street corner smoking, waving and smiling, actually has a magical existence you have not fathomed?
I stood out there, yes, smoking as usual, when a wild rabbit came and sought shelter at my feet as it would a tree....I could hear it say to it's self "yes, the hawks still cannot see me". It nestled in close until it felt safe enough to leave.
I sat on a porch, yes, I was out there smoking...when I looked down between my legs, at my feet...a skunk awaiting for me to notice it's presence before it toddled off, doing it's thing.
What if..what if magic exists, what if it is out there, what if it is embodied by the one you pass every day on the street apparently doing "only" the same old thing?

     So, I added the following: 
        BOL! Synchronicity!💃 I had just gone have a cigarette, lol, when I noticed three red finch lined up on the eaves 15 ft away, almost at eye level, looking directly at me. So, I came in to google "spirit medicine red finch" to see exactly what my mirror was showing me about me this morning: "The bird is a sparkly symbol of high energy and brighter days on the horizon. Generally, the symbolism of the finch is an indication of liveliness, exuberance, and enthusiasm in your life. Finch people tend to enjoy life and treasure every moment in it for joy and the love in it." Now I want to find out what that satiny grey little one that took their place is.....

     The little satiny charcoal-grey bird is a grey catbird:
 spirit medicine, included in my mirror this morning: great communicator, drawing attention, with two broods per season it represents fertility-abundance! encountering a wide range of people with new ones coming in. *snoopy dancing*

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