Saturday, February 8, 2020

Not sweating immunizations too much

It just occurs to me: the very tools of the fear-based society to force cooperation/compliance/subjection such as immunizations is backfiring. It's creating a generation of super heros whose brains chemically make it impossible to subject themselves to conditioning and fear. ADHD, ADD, simply cannot control them. This is waking up the super hero in their parents, who become aware of the dangers of fear-based methods and tackle them. Fear is awakening a huge army of consciousness that just keeps growing.
No need to sweat this. Though yes, I know the rest........
Immunizations did not irradicate diseases. By the time they started administering them, primarily only the ones who were already immune were left standing to get them. They then passed their immunity to their children.
The reemergence is the continuation of spreading from where the diseases are kept alive, people are exposed and they're weeding out those without immunity. So, hmmm, who and where have the live diseases been being kept and how are they being spread? Why are they on the increase in conjunction with the increase of the number of immunizations advised/ required? Could it be?! Could it Really be doctors, pharmaceutical companies, scientists storing them and then spreading them via vaccinations (unknowingly or intentionally) or is that just too obvious?
Time to reclaim our intelligence.

If the world wasn't so upside down and backwards, people would sue the government for practicing medicine without a license and all doctors involved in forced vaccinations with medical malpractice and violating the Hippocratic Oath. Parents would be notified when a child in their children's school just got their immunizations and that child would be kept home during the contagious period of the disease they have been injected with.
I'm up for a world like that.

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