Sunday, February 16, 2020

Is it normal to experience visions?

From September 12, 2017 as posted on my "The pure People" Facebook page;
Something occurred to me during an interaction with a self declared witch. It, and it's resulting change in my experience with the embodying of it, bears mentioning here.
She referred to her spiritual/super natural activities as "witchy-woohoo" in comparison to "normal". What occurred to me at that point was this: all human races began their existence as tribes. Tribes perform rites of passage. In these rites of passage, vision quests are required. Personal, unguided interaction with spirit/super natural is REQUIRED to be considered an adult member of the tribe. This, "normal" in human standards, includes spirit-/super natural interaction. It is thus that those who do not engage in it are ABNORMAL.
The moment I embodied "I am normal", all resistance to my "super natural" experiences disappeared in me as well as outside of me. There is some truth to us creating our own reality (the qualifiers for another time). People began to share their experiences with me as if they were perfectly normal.
At this point of my personal development, I can add that it occurs to me that not only is it normal; it was considered in tribal cultures the sign of maturity. To take responsibility for one's own spiritual/supernatural aspects.....unlike the immature, irresponsible people of modern times who put it all in the hands of instructed people such as priests, pastors, gurus, psychics, the sign of a mature human being responsible enough to have a seat on the counsel that makes decisions for the whole.
In summation: we who have conscious interactions outside average interactions are not only normal, we are mature, responsible adults worthy of places of honor and influence. The moment we realize and embody that fully, we change our reality. We become creators/artists, masters of our consciousness.

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