Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Goodbyes and worsening of the body shaming incident

          I had to say goodbye to a friend I thought would have my back, especially in women's issues. I was wrong about that. I  WAS right to withdraw my children from school, choose to home school and ask for a waver for the waiting period due to extenuating circumstances. It did lead to another "what life is showing me about me" moment. The woman who delivered the news that my daughter was being body shaped and sexualized by the school system, who was the friend above mentioned, after delivering her undue influence; when I texted her 'bye', she responded; "Your choice". That's the "Your choice" that is not an empowering acknowledgement. That's the shrugging "your choice" delivered by my Grammy that says; "you're doing wrong and you'll have to deal with the consequences". It's designed to shame and trigger self doubt. Neither shame nor self doubt were triggered or even wondered if I should feel either of them. I simply responded; "BOL damn right, and it feels good to finally know it in every fiber of my being". When I went to unfriend her on Facebook, I discovered she had done it herself already. I didn't feel the usual self doubt, rejection, etc that would have usually come with that. She's a social worker for the schools. With social workers like that, who needs intimate abusers? She failed at her job. Not my problem. She'll have to live with that. I's out of my system. 
  The party never ends
Like Grandmother Lava, man. Like Grandmother Lava

     I'm not forgetting my son in all this. His report on his day at school included his being glad the teacher took apart the Lego cars they had built; "Because now it's a little more calmer and we get a little more rest, like break time". In one breath, the teachers would say he acts shy and withdrawn while in the next, they say he's doing so well and is very well socially adjusted. He's hit his limit of stress from that environment, manifesting physical problems as well as emotional difficulties, yet they want to increase the pressure and time there. I told them flat out no way in the meeting today already. Keeping him out at this time is as much about him as his sister. He doesn't need to be entrusted to those who would abuse his sister anyway. He did a celebration dance when I told him he won't have to go to school tomorrow.

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