Saturday, February 8, 2020

Crone clarity applied to women's cycles & everyone else's as well

Neighbor told me that if she gets around an alpha female, her menstrual cycle will align with that of the alpha. It's not news that women living in close proximity will have synced menstrual cycles. That's when "everything within is reflected without" met women's cycles in my being and came up for expression----
What if we do not cycle according to the moon? What if the dominant/alpha female draws the moon into her cycles, she is the gravity for spiritual alignment and attunement? What if the stars align with our light? What if everything we've been taught was ass backwards? Though; aligning ourselves with the physical elements would, in that case, be aligning ourselves with the alpha feminine consciously.

another friend mentioned she was about to hit 40 and was going within to do her shadow work-----
maiden, mother, crone
embodiment comes in 7 year cycles
maiden, 7x2, puberty starts to path the way to
7x3, 21, mother comes in
7x6, 42, mother paves way for
7x7, 49 crone comes in
age of menstruation is affected by hormones from animal products, younger now that artificial hormones are in food. Puberty is not reaching sexual maturity, it is the beginning of cycles earlier than motherhood embodiment to facilitate practice in balancing them before actually used. Scientific research is showing that during puberty our neuropathways are disconnecting and reforming to fit the thinking patterns that will carry us through motherhood. Our "stories" are preprogrammed in our DNA before we're even born. (They can predict not only how many children an infant girl will have but how old she'll be when she has them. And yes, we can change our DNA. Puberty is preparation to embody those stories that give us the experiences we're meant to have and establish the thinking patterns that will lead us to them.  Similarly, menopause symptoms start early so we come into balance/alignment with crone energies. 

came to me just before the above----
What the menstrual period can realistically be like for a woman:
Stage 1)
Body starts channeling increased energy.
Instead of "nope, not gonna express that", cramp. "That either", cramp. Cramp, cramp, cramp, weakness, exhaustion....ahhhh! "I'm lettin' it out you *chain of explatives and rants* (venting)"......instead a woman can become giddy, full of energy and productive, especially at nesting.
2) bleeding starts during a deep sleep. The blood is only released when squatting to defacate or urinate. No pads, tampons, cups, etc needed. Baby wipes or flushable wipes to clean the area and done!
3) Instead of guilt, shame and depression due to the venting and associated actions; inspiration comes. She's higher 'vibe' embodying all that extra energy without resistance. She's at her creative best.
She's a goddess in all her glory.
Or in Christian terms: she's closer to the source of her bleeding (Elohim* see other posts about why Elohim is indeed used in it's plural to denote gods and goddesses*)
And yes, I did embody this before menopause, that's how I know it's realistic!

Taoist practice enables women to reduce menstruation to imperceptible levels. This preserves the female prenatal chi, extending lifespan and reproductive years.

Update: When you eat fruit as nature intended there is no need to have menstruation. Arnold Ehret explains it real good in some of his books - highly recommended books for anyone trying to get back to natural ways

Mental note to self...
Listening to Lee Harris's energy report for 2020, I note his predictions reflect what I've already been experiencing the past year. I remember; isn't that how it goes whenever I peak in on predictions for moon phases, evolutionary astrology, what's up in the universe channelings, etc. I'm always one step 'ahead'. Then it occurred to me: of course! If one awakened soul affects two thousand miles around them, if my consciousness is so impactful; every expansion I nourish and allow to be coaxed out of me begins to awaken the same potential for everyone for two thousand miles around me (and world wide thanks to internet). This is what they mean by being on the leading edge of creation! Anytime one of us embodies a new level of awareness, we raise the bar, we expand and create new potentials for all of humanity. Because the clarity allows more pure energy through, it is more powerful than anything anyone around us is embodying. It cannot be anything but dominant. What we who are in the leading edge are doing is observed and thus accurately predicted for the rest of evolving humanity. The effects upon those around the leading edge who are not expanding are observable and thus able to be accurately predicted to some degree for Mass consciousness. The predictions create expectations which then become self-fulfilling prophesies.
We truly do create our reality. We really do change the world simply by doing our own inner work.
I am SO on this!

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