Saturday, February 8, 2020

Dream trigger on my appropriateness

What life is showing me about me: another aspect is leaving. Woke from a dream that was flashing between two scenes. One scene I was sitting next to someone disabled who was being tended to. In the other, I was sitting down to a gathering dinner in my honor. I stood up wondering if my sitting still while the person was being tended was uncomfortable to the one doing the tending, flashed to table where I was handed a surprise gift I an envelope address side down.
Knock at door ended it before I could open the envelope.
As I was reflecting on how I've sat still comfortable with myself and so not uncomfortable with what others were going through and getting yelled at for "not realizing the obvious", which in their mind would have been that I should make myself absent; I smelled the unsure aspect that had grown from those types of incidents. I used to feel stupid about how to behave around other people. When I "smell" an aspect, I know it's leaving me, no longer a part of me.
It didn't even register until now that yesterday when I went to the store and had to put everything back because it was the wrong date and the money wasn't on my card yet; I didn't feel that dreaded sense if lack and wrong and shame. Easy peasy, get it tomorrow.
That aspect was so deeply a part of me and made me "nonthreatening". It made me "lovable". It cared. It was "empathetic". No. It was dependent upon others to determine comfort zones. It was not true empathy; because in that dream scape, the disabled person (as I had determined via true empathy) was comfortable with my presence, void of embarrassment. It was the caregiver/person of authority that was embarrassed of the disabled and so judging me as indiscreet. Discretion IS showing comfort with; not drawing attention to by making it such an issue that someone needs to leave the room. Just ended reply to a "correction" on a thread that had already been addressed in previous replies with "back off bitch". Woa. Empowered new me is quick witted.

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