Saturday, February 8, 2020

Just flirting?

Do you know WHY we don't engage in nor express appreciation for 'Playful flirting' that includes comments such as "Aren't you cold?" ' It's too hot out to be doing that' "oh, I know you; you were being a bad girl" or any sort of mock concern or criticism? We're conditioned to respond with a giggle or playful swat and comment "Oh, you know I don't do that!". Play flirting, as with children playing, is relationship rehearsal. In those men's minds, the woman who responds "correctly" is contractually agreeing to play the submissive role in the relationship to follow. Any expression of empowerment by her in the commencement of the relationship is going to be dismissed with his new (in his mind) agreed to authority and perceived as a punitive violation. You're just PMS'n, "out of hand", drunk, on drugs, in a bad mood, taking something out on him unfairly, etc. At first, it starts as passive aggressive comments an unwary female mistakes for more flirting "our relationship is still alive": she may preen. Abusive behavior to correct/punish her ensues; cold shoulder, walking out, threatening "privileges", "hot"/domineering sex, etc. At first, it's more passive aggressive and unwarily taken as relationship "fire"/passion still alive. We may actually get turned on by it....until we learn what's really happening. When met sexually with matching anger/dominance, he snidely remarks "I thought you needed that venting"; taking credit, presenting a smirking doing you a favor attitude that puts him back in control again.
So, yeah, I beaver block that shit. A whole-hearted, lusty, "I KNOW you're not serious" laugh will usually do it if he's intelligent and has any sense of self respect. If he doesn't, a verbal slap of self defense or drink in the face can do the trick. Started a barroom brawl like that as a teen while guy friends shielded me and rushed me through the back so I wouldn't get hit; they took care of that. They had fun dishing a beat down and made safe my escape. win-win. There ARE honorable warriors out there. I'll wait for him.

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