There's an anabaptist preacher in Maine, USA who was starting an intentional community (commune). He is very self righteous, following what he believes is biblical law. He shared with me a story of how a man who came to stay in the community had accurately prophesied what would happen to this preacher. The preacher was convinced it was from God. The hitch was: the prophet was a convicted child molester.
This is not to say God aproves of molesting children. This is to say that the greater our self righteousness/conditional/rule dependent our love is (we apply the rules/laws to our ability to receive and perceive others as being allowed to receive), the more vulgar will be the channels that Divine love comes. The message IS the messenger.
Are we abhorrent of a single woman birthing 10 children by 10 different father's because we insist upon our own "chastity" for self and ,we believe, God's approval? Are we horrified by her circumstances, do we pity her? Wisdom and grace will manifest through her. Will you have the eyes to see and ears to hear it? This does not mean we should indescrimantly engage in sexual activity, but we can remember scripture tells us that single bmoms are especially dear to god and his original command was to "multiply and become many"; make babies. If you're not doing it, that "immoral" single mom may be picking up your slack 😉Do you detest the Democratic party? The bread you pray for is there "for what father answers his child's request for bread with a serpent?" Guess where God's unconditional bread will come from? It does not mean the entire Democratic agenda is good for us, it's just the reflection of our messege we're sending god.
Do we refuse to give cash to the homeless because they might use it for drink or drugs? Guess where the prophesy of your future and your answer is? Let us not forget: Proverbs tells us not to deprive the alcoholic of their drink and do not detest yourself for your own self-comforting "addictions" to food, looking socially "good", and use of prayerful meditation to spiritually escape from our human feelings.
This is what scripture means when it tells us he will act from amongst the detestable things.
Shame and self loathing was the forbidden fruit. Our humanity/physicality was the "animal skin" we were wrapped in for our protection.
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