Saturday, February 8, 2020

Maiden, Mother and Crone dancing the spiral

Just as we begin to crawl before we walk (generally; one of my daughters went straight to walking) and walk before we run...just as our cognitive development happens in stages....we have aspect development. For women, we traditionally call those stages maiden, mother, and crone. Just as we never lose the skill of crawling when we walk or walking when we learn to run; we add mother to maiden and crone to maiden and mother. Each aspect has it's own dimensions and facets we grow into being able to embody.
As we walk through life, we can take an evolutionary, expansive path that is not a circle of life. We can dance the spiral. This can be challenging in a society that wants to either leave the past behind as unmentionable or unblemishable (idealized). It involves taking each aspect with each added dimensions and facets around that circle to bring an even greater, more expanded, awareness to each aspect of our life's experiences. That means at pretty regular times of the year, we're rehashing "the same old shite again". It goes from projection and blame to compassionate reflection to appreciation. It evolved and deepens as greater and greater forgiveness. We aren't forgiving over and over again, we're embuing with more understanding, deeper forgiveness and more perfect grace.
Obviously, my maiden and mother have brought their family and Christianity experiences before my budding crone.
Dancing the spiral.

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