Saturday, February 8, 2020

Schools teach children how to think?!

Bullshit! They tell children WHAT to think and condition them to accept brainwashing and dependency.

School FB page posts a pretty meme that says school is where children are taught how to think.
Cute, but incorrect.
From Latin "schola" and Greek "skhole". Meaning of both is "intermission of work, leisure for learning, spare time, rest, ease, idleness". Originally; "holding back". They include the means of learning; "debate, learned conversation".
School is a word correctly used to represent a passive inspiring of thought.
Very far off from the institutions we call schools where students aren't allowed to debate, engage in conversation, etc.
In Latin, however, the word also describes "a meeting place of instruction, lecture, disciples of a teacher, body of followers, sect". This more accurately describes what we call schools where children are instructed what to think (not how to think) without question or deviation.
Government mandated school:
Govern- "control" + Mente "mind" + mandate "command/give into one's hand" + school "sect instructions".
So, in America, school is where non-free people are commanded (free people can't be commanded) to hand over their children to mind control instruction.
I prefer the definition that the Greek and Latin have in common; leisurely conversation inspiring and allowing room for the arrival of thought. School done right!

It also just occurred to me that school and social conditioning doesn't only tell children what to think instead of how to think. They condition them what to perceive rather than how to perceive.
     That is the difference in my children's intelligence: I ask how they are perceiving something, offer alternate perceptions, and teach them to respect each other's perceptions. This makes them more adaptable and works as a coping mechanism. As our perception shifts, our experience of something shifts.

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