Saturday, February 8, 2020

Why the word "Man" means so much to me

So, the importance to me of knowing the historical use and meaning of the word Man:
A preacher confessed that yes, Elohim in the first chapter of Genesis is the plural word for God, however because of the lack of use of adjectives it could still mean god in the singular. The context including made in the image male and female, Man.... does indeed verify the intent of the word Elohim to be plural AND multi-gendered: gods and goddesses. It also clarifies other uses; such as angels in heaven appearing with the likeness of Men (male and female), the Bride of Christ being Men, etc.
I'm in the Bible Belt. It serves me to be able to honor the divine feminine in the lingual dialect of the culture that is predominant.
Besides, the puppet master at the top of that pyramid has commissioned me to burn it down. I assumed that meant within myself originally, but: as above, so below; as in heaven, on Earth, etc.


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