Saturday, February 8, 2020

Why I say "Like Grandmother Lava"

It may be noticed I use the phrase "It simply is; like Grandmother Lava".
This comes from when I was rescripting the inner soundtrack loop running in the back of my mind, usually subconsciously, and forging new neuropathways in my mind. The Jesus and Satan archetype masculines were constantly busy, even at giving advice on how to manipulate the other into getting desired responses from the other. I got sick of them both, it was non-stop. They both had valid perspectives. I just didn't want either of them or their scenerios. I'd had enough! I searched my mind for a "higher power" to ask for help in making it stop. God wasn't the answer; he was playing match maker and didn't care which of his son's I chose, so long as I chose one. Rock, mountains, no they felt too cold, stuck, indifferent. What created them? Lava! I sucked up all my frustration, drew my leg up and stomped it down while crying out to Grandmother Lava to make them stop. Suddenly the etheric was silent. Everything was going about it's business as if I did not exist, never had existed, and was invisible. No explainations, no resistance, no questions. The absence of harassment simply was. So, when I am aware that a statement or belief from me is absent of resistance, not needing an explanation, without question, in every fiber of my being and etheric, I say; "It simply IS, just like Grandmother Lava".
As an aside; I also manifested an earthquake in that part of the state I was living in, in which earthquakes of that magnitude are not common. 

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